Abnormally high levels of radioactivity were found in milk and spinach in the prefectures of Fukushima and Ibaraki, near the nuclear plant accident, said Saturday the government spokesman, Yukio Edano.
"A level of radioactivity exceeding the legal limit in Japan was detected in a milk sample collected in Fukushima Prefecture and six samples of spinach in Ibaraki prefecture," he said.
These levels are not hazardous to health, however, said Mr.Edano has urged people to remain calm, announcing the results of samples taken from food samples.
"Compared to the average consumption of milk of Japanese, even if someone would start to drink contaminated milk for a year, the dose of radiation he would receive would be equivalent to a single scanner" in hospital said the spokesman, speaking of the prefecture of Fukushima.
"Even if a person was still eating contaminated spinach for one year, the level of radiation would be equivalent to one fifth of the dose received during a scan," he added.
The Ministry of Health has ordered local authorities to investigate to determine the exact origin of contaminated food, knowing where they were distributed, and based on the result, halt the sale and take appropriate action, "said M . Edano.