Wednesday, March 30, 2011

LIBYA: Resigned, the Libyan foreign minister flees UK

AFP - Faithful servant of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, the Libyan foreign minister, Musa Kusa, who announced his resignation Wednesday at his arrival in London, was in recent years in all negotiations and turnovers that had allowed the return of Libya in the comity of nations frequentable.

Chief of Intelligence from 1994 to 2009, Musa Kusa, 59, was a strong man of the revolutionary committee, the backbone of the Libyan regime, and the prisoners of Muammar Gaddafi.

He has been responsible for large files including Libya in Africa and regards its relations with the West.

It was thus a key negotiator in the business of the Bulgarian nurses that led to their release in July 2007 and in 2003 the dismantling of Libya's nuclear program that opened the way for lifting the trade embargo imposed by the United States against Libya in 1986.

He is best known for his role in compensating the families of victims of the Lockerbie bombing (1988, 270 dead) and the UTA DC-10 (1989, 170 dead), removing the remaining obstacles to the normalization of relations Tripoli with the West.

After two decades, embodied the dark side of the Gaddafi regime, symbolized this Tripolitan recent years the opening.

Born into a poor family, scholarship and holds a Masters of the American University of Michigan (1978), he began his career in special services such as security official Libyan embassy in Northern Europe.

In 1980, Koussa was appointed ambassador to Libya in London before being expelled in the same year by the British after stating his determination to liquidate the "enemies of the revolution" on British soil.

In 1984, he joined the Mathaba, a Foundation to coordinate the liberation movements worldwide, especially in Africa and Latin America.

Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs from 1992 to 1994, he was later appointed head of intelligence, a position he held until 2009, before being responsible for Foreign Affairs, replacing Abdulrahman Shalgham, Libyan ambassador to the UN, who had also defected a few weeks ago.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Tens of thousands of Britons on the streets against austerity

AFP - Tens of thousands of Britons were demonstrating peacefully Saturday at midday in central London to protest against austerity, responding in mass to the appeal of unions.

"Participation is beyond anything we dreamed it's fantastic.. This is the biggest event in a generation in London," enthused the general secretary of Unite union, Len McCluskey.

"There is a palpable anger in this country and hundreds of thousands of people came here to say. According to police, there would be almost half a million people," he said.

No official estimate was available, however.Before the event, the Confederation of British trade unions, Trades Union Congress (TUC), predicted "more than 100,000 people, and certainly much more" and the media had forecast 250,000 to 300,000 people.

Unions hope the gathering will be the largest in London since the 2003 war against Iraq (one million) and the broader social movement for two decades.

About 4,500 police were mobilized for fear of spills, such as occurred during the student demonstrations this fall.The unions have also provided an important service order to preserve "family atmosphere" of this event, bringing people of all ages.

"Do not break Britain!", "Defend our public services!" Proclaimed the banners of the demonstrators. Many had come with family, strollers and vuvuzelas, the famous horns used by fans at the World Cup football in South Africa.

"I'm here because the government makes us pay to repair what did the bankers.It is currently building a society where the rich are even more weak and more needy, "said Gillian Siddons, a retiree of 60 years.

"We want to show the government what we think of his politics," added Jim Waters, 62.

The government decided to impose a course of unprecedented rigor in the UK, with cuts of more than 90 billion euros by 2015.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

USA: Justice is a blow to Google's digital library

It was one of the most ambitious of Google. But since Tuesday night, the giant project of the Internet to scan then upload all books published worldwide has suffered a serious setback. A U.S. federal court has decided that this great work "googlesque" was "way too far" and allowed the giant Mountain View (California) to crush the market for online publishing.

More concretely, the American judge Denny Chin ruled, at the request of the Department of Justice on the legality of a 2008 agreement between Google and the two main associations of the U.S. edition: Authors Guild and the Association of American Publishers.He found that too much to compromise the benefit of Google and found that virtually gave him the right to post any book without permission of the author.

The agreement in question provided for the creation of a fund, fed by Google, to compensate authors. The Internet giant had thus committed $ 125 million. In return, the multinational could quietly continue to scan all books published in English in the world. Authors who did not want to be included in this virtual library were, themselves, notify Google. This posed a problem for books "orphans" - those we can not find the copyright holders.This system has not pleased the judge Denny Chin, who argued that the search had to ask permission to scan books.

"Not only the literature"

The ruling was eagerly awaited. "We are disappointed by the decision because we believe it is important to bring to the world millions of otherwise hard to find books," he lamented in a statement Tuesday night Hilary Sware, spokesman for Google. But the real issue lies elsewhere: it is rather a story of "big money".

It is no coincidence that, in addition to the U.S. Department of Justice, the prosecution received the support of the Open Book Alliance.Which includes the major competitors of Google - starting with Microsoft and Yahoo's agreement, subject to the judge "allowed Google to interfere a little more privacy and awarded him a monopoly in the internet search" said Gary Reback Tuesday night, co-founder of the Open Book Alliance.

For Google, the works are, in fact, not only in literature. Since 1998, Larry Page, co-founder (with Sergey Brin) Google's dream of a virtual digital library that would work hand in hand with its search engine. Since its IPO in 2004, the group began to scan books. It is now more than 15 billion digital works.

Not dead yet

These pages can be very lucrative.Indeed, if users can use Google to search the contents of a book, the search engine benefit to retrieve information about their reading habits - which would sell more personalized advertisements.

Microsoft, which tries to impose its search engine against Google Bing, did not want to see his enemy to raid the market. Others, like Amazon, do not want a new competitor to sell books online. In December 2010, Google has, in fact, the U.S. launched a virtual library.

But the Google project is not dead, however. Judge Denny Chin has hinted that he might reconsider his decision if the agreement was renegotiated.If Google is trying so hard since 2004 to achieve its ends, it is likely he will return to discuss with publishers and authors.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

JAPAN: Radioactive contamination recorded in several food

Abnormally high levels of radioactivity were found in milk and spinach in the prefectures of Fukushima and Ibaraki, near the nuclear plant accident, said Saturday the government spokesman, Yukio Edano.

"A level of radioactivity exceeding the legal limit in Japan was detected in a milk sample collected in Fukushima Prefecture and six samples of spinach in Ibaraki prefecture," he said.

These levels are not hazardous to health, however, said Mr.Edano has urged people to remain calm, announcing the results of samples taken from food samples.

"Compared to the average consumption of milk of Japanese, even if someone would start to drink contaminated milk for a year, the dose of radiation he would receive would be equivalent to a single scanner" in hospital said the spokesman, speaking of the prefecture of Fukushima.

"Even if a person was still eating contaminated spinach for one year, the level of radiation would be equivalent to one fifth of the dose received during a scan," he added.

The Ministry of Health has ordered local authorities to investigate to determine the exact origin of contaminated food, knowing where they were distributed, and based on the result, halt the sale and take appropriate action, "said M . Edano.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

JAPAN: At the Tokyo Stock Exchange, the Nikkei continues to fall

AFP - The Tokyo Stock Exchange Tuesday lived one of the worst days in its history, the Nikkei collapsing of 10.55% in a stampede of investors against a backdrop of worsening nuclear crisis in Japan.

At the close, the Nikkei 225 index of blue chips plunged by 1015.34 points to 8605.15 points, suffering, in percentage, the third largest drop since its inception more than a half century.

The broader Topix index of all securities in the first table, which covers businesses in a broader number of sectors, its share fell to 9.47%, losing 80.23 points to 766.73 points.

The activity reached a record high of 5.78 billion shares traded on the primary market, representing an activity nearly tripled compared to normal.

The Nikkei had dropped 6.18% Monday, three days after an earthquake and tsunami that devastated the north-eastern Japan, destroying or damaging infrastructure and production facilities.

On Tuesday, the index began the day sharply down and displayed in sharp decline of 6.45% in mid-session.

But it is a real wave of panic that rose on the market to resume 0330 GMT, after the government had admitted that the level of radioactivity measured at the Fukushima nuclear power was dangerous to health.

None has appeared spared.

Among the electronics giants, Panasonic collapsed 11.27% to 866 yen and Sony of 8.86% to 2,324 yen.

Automaker Toyota declined 7.40% to 3,065 yen, its rival Nissan fell 3.32% less than candid to 698 yen, as Honda was down 3.90% to 2,974 yen.

Construction firms, which had surged Monday with the prospects of major work needed to rebuild the devastated north-east by an earthquake and tsunami, fell heavily in their turn, like real estate.

Friday, March 11, 2011

JAPAN: The north-east of the country hit by a massive tsunami, the Pacific on alert

AFP - A powerful earthquake - a magnitude 8.9 - struck Friday northeastern Japan, a major triggering a tsunami several yards on the Pacific coast which has so far killed four people and a dozen missing.

Waves of 10 feet swept the coasts of the prefecture of Sendai, reported the media, which broadcast pictures of flooded houses and cars under water in coastal cities.

The provisional results, according to media reports, is four dead and many wounded and eight missing in a landslide.

But according to the images of television, the toll expected to rise and the Department of Defense has dispatched ships for relief.

A tsunami warning was also issued on almost all coasts of the Pacific by the U.S. Centers for tsunami evacuation order was triggered Mariana Islands.

The quake, measuring 8.9 according to the American Institute of Geophysics (USGS) who had previously estimated at 7.9 and 8.8, occurred at 24.4 km depth to 2:46 p.m. ( 5:46 GMT) and a hundred miles off the coast of Miyagi Prefecture.

"We have been shaken so violently that he had to cling to not fall," testified an official of the municipality of Kurihara, hardest hit in this prefecture.

"We could not get away from the building because the tremors did not stop to succeed," she told AFP by telephone.

Nuclear power plants in Miyagi and Fukushima prefectures were automatically adopted, said its operator, the company Tokyo Electric Power (TEPCO), which serves the capital.

The Prime Minister, Naoto Kan, has ensured that no radioactive leak was found.

Networks of fixed and mobile telecommunications were heavily disrupted, noted AFP.

In Tokyo, located some 380 km away, the skyscrapers built on special earthquake resistant structures, have pitched very long after the earthquake that lasted for more than two minutes.

A roof collapsed Friday on a building in central Tokyo where 600 students participated in a graduation ceremony, leaving many injured, according to firefighters and the media.

In offices and homes, objects fell from shelves, elevators have been stopped automatically, while millions of people rushed into the streets.

Ten fires were reported in the capital, and there were several casualties in the media.

In the Tokyo area, a refinery was on fire Iichihara, according to images broadcast on Japanese television.

Narita International Airport, located about fifty kilometers east of Tokyo, has suspended the traffic and decided to evacuate the buildings.

The rail and road transport were also disrupted in large parts of the archipelago.

Shinkansen express trains were stopped across the northeast and the motorways of the Tokyo area closed a few minutes after the earthquake.

According to Jiji Press, the parking lot of the Disney Resort, located on the eastern outskirts of the capital, was under the waters of the nearby ocean.

In Tokyo, four million homes were without power, according to media reports.

"I was in the office, on the tenth floor of my building. The walls began to tremble, then all the furniture. I never knew that here I was scared!" Said Horikane Saki, an employee Office of Ginza down with his colleagues a few minutes after the quake.

Thousands of residents and employees of this district of shops and business were still massed in the streets over an hour and a half after the earthquake, fearing aftershocks.

Monday, March 7, 2011

LIBYA - EXCLUSIVE: Muammar Gaddafi: "The people will deal with terrorists and traitors"

The Libyan leader did not budge. While regular forces Libyan Sunday launched a violent offensive against the cities taken by the insurgents, Muammar Gaddafi repeated in an exclusive interview with FRANCE 24 broadcast Monday that the "crisis" through which his country is the result of "a conspiracy "orchestrated by the network of Al Qaeda. Affirming that Libya played a "vital role in regional and even global peace," he posed as a partner in the fight against international terrorism.

Muammar Gaddafi also condemned the interference of the international community, including France, which on Sunday welcomed the establishment of the Libyan national, established by the insurgency. "Really, it makes you laugh, this interference in the affairs of a country.It is as if we interfered in the affairs of Corsica or Sardinia ... "

"Al Qaeda has a plan," he accuses. I think that the terrorists of Al Qaeda have tried to take advantage of the situation in Tunisia, Egypt, but they were down in Libya. They are dormant cells who woke up and took up arms to kill members of the army, police. "

"We are partners in the fight against terrorism, says Muammar Gaddafi. There were armed Islamic extremists in Algeria, as there was in Iraq or Pakistan ... We are the same thing, we have armed factions who are fighting us.There was a resolution of the Security Council UN [against the Libyan regime, which includes an asset freeze of Libyan officials, ed], but ignored Al-Qaeda! "

"It makes you laugh the interference!"

If the Libyan League for Human Rights puts the figure of 6,000 deaths since the violence began in mid-February, Muammar Gaddafi admits that there were "hundreds" dead "on both sides, the side of Army and police and the rebels. "

However, it underlines the fact that the world has a picture "distorted" the situation there. "To my friends and the world, I say it is a distorted picture that was given to peaceful demonstrations.Several chains have manipulated the truth. Do not grow the business as if there was a big problem. (...) Now we open the doors to foreign journalists and we invite the world to open their eyes. "

And explain its view of the situation: "The bearers of weapons in Benghazi have no clear demands. In Benghazi is the revolution of 1 September [in reference to 1 September 1969, when Muammar Qaddafi overthrew King Idris I and proclaimed the Libyan Republic, ed]. We must get rid of people who are armed traitors. The people will look after them.In some areas, machine guns have been distributed and the population was able to block these terrorists. "

On his relations with the United States and the European Union, Gaddafi obvious astonishment. "It's strange, our relations were good. Perhaps there a security issue in the Mediterranean, to block emigration ... We also Libya major oil companies Spanish or French, and Suddenly these countries have forgotten the interests that are theirs. "

Thursday, March 3, 2011

LIBYA: The ICC opened an investigation for crimes against humanity against Gaddafi

AFP - The prosecutor of the International Criminal Court Luis Moreno-Ocampo said Thursday an investigation for crimes against humanity in Libya, Colonel Muammar Gaddafi for his son and several senior Libyan officials.

"We would like to announce that March 3, 2011 the prosecutor's office decided to open an investigation into crimes allegedly committed against humanity in Libya since February 15," said Mr. Moreno-Ocampo in a press conference at The Hague.

"We have identified certain individuals who enjoy a de facto authority," said Mr.Moreno-Ocampo added, referring to Qaddafi, his inner circle, including his son. "

The prosecutor also cited "the foreign minister, the head of the regime's security and military intelligence, the chief of personal security of Mr.Gaddafi and head of the organization of internal security ", without giving names.

"We want to take this opportunity to notify that if the forces under their command have committed crimes, they could be held criminally responsible," continued the prosecutor.

The Security Council UN was Saturday, in a resolution, before the prosecutor of the ICC of the situation in Libya, whereas "systematic attacks" against the civilian population of this country "may be treated as crimes against humanity ".

According to the Libyan League for Human Rights, the repression was 6,000 dead, 3,000 in Tripoli and 2.Benghazi-000 to a balance sheet significantly larger in the latter city, that killed 220 to 250 put forward by local hospital officials and the ICRC.